
You go!! We are worthy! I like to say, “Productivity doesn’t dictate our value”.

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Das ist richtig!

Yes! (In French) because I am in Quebec


“That is right!” (In German because - German )

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Nice!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

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Jun 16Liked by Jodi Rose Crump

I feel like anyone who works hard on their creations are worth being paid for. And I commend you for going for it.

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I agree with you - writers and artists and kinetic performers all work hard on their craft and deserve to be able to eat and be able to buy basics in life just as anyone else does.

Thank you for your comment !!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

I grew up with the idea that "work" that you get paid for had to be "painful" in order for it to count. The older I get the more I realize that that's nonsense. Learning and working does not have to be painful to be paid or effective. If someone tells you otherwise, run, don't walk far far away from them.

There are people who want to support us - we should give them the opportunity. I am glad that you know that you are worth it!

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